Monday, 27 September 2010

Change #17: Listening to my needs and wants and recognising the difference

Maslow's hierarchy
In all this noticing and mindfulness I am becoming more aware of what is important to me. To be honest, I pretty much thought I had that sorted, but I have surprised myself at times. One thing that is not how I expected, is that some of the changes I am making are really based on my basic needs. How can I, being who I am and doing what I do for a living, not have totally acknowledged the difference between needing and wanting? I need water, healthy food, love, aspiration, choice, autonomy. I want peace and quiet, 'space', spirituality, new jumpers, enough cash not to have to work so hard, other people to like me....

So I am determined to stop and think about whether I need something or whether I just want it. Don't get me wrong here, I am happy to have wants and to satisfy them, I just don't want to feel hard done by if I can't have, when so many of my needs are already met. I want to be conscious of the difference and choose accordingly.

  1. No alcohol – Yup it's all good here
  2. Mindful eating – There are certain foods that make me feel bad when I eat them in anything other than small quantities. I have known about them for some time, but never had the courage of my convictions to stop eating them, even when others mock me. This has changed.
  3. Daily body scan – I might need to make this shorter when i assess which changes to keep
  4. Charity shop shopping – no need to shop when I have identified needs from wants!
  5. Mindful breathing every hour – Imagine what happens to your breath each time you do a full round of in and out, all the amazing processes your body carries out to keep you oxygenated and rid of toxins. Wow
  6. Remembering my friends – Each time I come to this point on the page I have another great big smile, and for some reason I always take a wonderful deep breath?
  7. Smiling regularly – Watched Monsters Inc with A & W yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. 'I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.'Audrey Hepburn
  8. Help if and when I can – 'Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.' Audrey Hepburn
  9. Italian conversation class – Have a Teach yourself Italian book from the library and have a CD on order.
  10. Becoming a blogger – Enjoying this thinking and writing process
  11. Writing 10 mins daily – I prefer to write in pencil than pen, I prefer to write than to type
  12. Drinking a glass of water every hour – This is slowing down, need to focus
  13. Thinking about it, before I say yes or no – connected to wants and needs too, I think
  14. Having my eyes tested – New glasses are weird, will give my eyes a week to adjust
  15. Walking in the fresh air every day – it's raining...and that is such an 'excuse'
  16. Pilates core exercise throughout day - remembering this more

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