Monday, 13 September 2010

Change #9: Italian Conversation Classes

Golf Contadino, Dordolla
Made some enquiries about taking an Italian conversation class and heard now I have a place! We had a fabulous time in Italy in the summer with Christopher and Sarah in their new hometown (well village) of Dordolla. The Italian's made us so welcome and it was a shocking struggle to make conversation. Luckily for us they often spoke English, German or French, so we all got by. However, I need to make it a new change that when I go and visit another country at least I can say hi and what a pleasure it is to meet people. My Italian is very basic so I am hoping to win friends and influence people in Dordolla, by making a concerted effort with my Italian. I start on September 29th.
  1.  No alcohol – still going strong, although I did fancy a glass again today
  2. Mindful eating – Harder out at work, 2 mindful sweeties in the car, success
  3. Daily body scan – what is this about? I used to be so good at this stuff and now I simply cannot keep still. Perseverance had better be the key.
  4. Charity shop shopping – sorted out some stuff to take in today
  5. Mindful breathing every hour – This continues to be a relative success and rather beneficial. I don't always remember, but it's definitely a developing habit
  6. Remembering my friends – a couple of times today when I was feeling bogged down and frustrated, I remembered my friends and how much they love me. Before I knew where I was, my feet were frimly planted back on the floor and I continued, serene.
  7. Smiling regularly – I sooo needed this change today. I had to say goodbye to someone I have been working with for nearly five years, and she was sobbing. We made it through.
  8. Help if and when I can – I did what I could today, and tried very hard to let the rest go...

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